WillHire OnDemand. The first and only fully integrated direct sourcing platform dedicated to light industrial and shift work.Engage with qualified and pre-vetted candidates to quickly fill as many roles and shifts as needed. With a simple one-touch you can fill as many light industrial roles and shifts within 8 minutes. With pre-vetted and qualified candidates matched directly to the job needs, youll fill the roles in no time and reduce unfilled shifts. * Request worker(s) with a single tap* Within minutes fill as many shifts with as many workers as needed* Engage with pre-vetted candidates whose skills are matched to the job* Reduce unfilled shifts with a backup bench of talent who are ready to jump in* Keep engaged with known candidates who have worked well in the pastReduce costs* Eliminate the Challenges in managing shift work* Difficult to fill multiple roles and shifts* Rolls need to be filled immediately* Staffing agencies can be slow to respond* Staffing agency markups are high* No show candidates cause shifts to be unfilled* Unqualified/poor quality candidates cause delays and create a risk* It’s difficult to reengage with good talent**Supporting essential services**WAREHOUSE/ General Labor Warehouse Associate Package Handler Forklift / Palletjack Operator Machine Operator Production TechnicianFACILITY Environmental Service Worker Floor Tech Janitorial Housekeeping Laundry Patient TransporterHOSPITALITY Servers Bussers Host Line Cook Prep Cook Dishwasher Utility BartenderDelivery DriversRETAIL Retail Sales Associate Stockman Cashier Merchandiser Picker / PackerGot any questions or feedback? We are always available to get your feedback at
[email protected] or visit us at WillHire.co